Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Under Smoky Light: new poetry collection

I hope that you'll be tempted.

 Available from  (‘Good on the page, good on the stage’).  The orders page is

September 2020:  Michael’s new poetry collection, Under Smoky Light, is now out from Offa’s Press. 

‘Michael W. Thomas’s poems always spring surprises of description, of language and of story’ – David Hart, author of Setting the poem to words, The Crag Inspector and Running Out. 

‘Michael W. Thomas’ poems are rich with the details of past and present lives.  They explore the wildest possibilities of those lives with passion and humour’ – Alison Brackenbury.

‘Michael W. Thomas tears the traditions of metaphors and similes apart.  One feels each word took him hours to select before he cemented it in place; he has complete control of his medium’ – Kirby Congdon, US poet, dramatist, editor and associate of the Beat Poets; author of Selected Poems and Prose Poems and New Mystic, Connecticut, Sixty-Five Years Ago.

In Under Smoky Light, Michael’s poems fully justify such appraisal.  Grouped in four sections – ‘A tunnel for the gust of time’, ‘Under smoky light’, ‘Down the road I go’ and ‘All that waits’ – they offer the reader striking landscapes both real and imagined, explorations of lives both present and past and reflections on the future in all its enthralling possibilities.  The collection, says Simon Fletcher of Offa’s Press, is ‘first rate.’

Michael W. Thomas, Under Smoky Light. 
ISBN: 978-1-9996943-4-0