Wednesday, 25 August 2021



'It's very sad, Piglet.'

'Indeed it is, Pooh.'

'And to think he wasn't just a drummer.'

'No, he started out in graphic--'

'Discovered the steam kettle, you know.'

'Pooh, I rather think you're rather thinking--'

'And when Benjamin Franklin invented the electric kite, he was first on the scene.'


'Came straight out with "Watt's all this?"  Didn't bat an eyelid, just punned himself and coined a unit of power.'

'I think you'll find that Benjamin--'

'Not to mention his swerve into art.  'Course, he called himself Watteau for that.'

'Where on earth did eau come--?'

'Watercolours.  Honestly, Piglet...'

'Silly me.  Well...a man of many parts.'

'All of which clubbed together to help him...well, club together.'

'And what's your favourite song, Pooh?  Of theirs?'

'Oh, has to be Dinky Toy Women.  Yours?'

'Mmm...probably Jumpin' Flash Git.'

'D'you know, I always fancied being born in a crossfire hurricane.'

'One to ponder, Pooh.'

'Exactly!  Because it strikes me--'

'But not now.'